- February 10, 2025
- Posted by: optimaadmin
- Category: Uncategorized

What is the importance of a crate in my dog’s early life?
For so many years I have been in people’s homes hired to either work with their new puppy to get them started on the right track or to work with a dog who has gone sideways and the people can’t figure out how to get things made right again. I begin my visit with observing where the dog’s crate is as I listen to the owners explain what is wrong or all of the things they have heard about crates and why they aren’t going to use it for their puppy. I want to share some of the most common questions I hear and the responses I have for them.
Dog Owner: I used to use a crate for my dog but after the dog was fully house trained and not chewing things up anymore, I sold that thing so fast on Marketplace. I hated having it in my home and my dog is so much happier without it.
My Response: Congratulations for using the crate to potty train and teach your dog what it should be doing when you aren’t around. This began the dog on the course of understanding how to live in your home. You started your dog on the right foot. However, when you removed that structure and those solid boundaries, the wheels began to fall off for your dog. Your dog craves structure and boundaries that remain consistent every day regardless of how old they are. One of the first things you can do to begin putting the wheels back on is to put the crate structure back in your dog’s life. I suggest using a regular crate/napping schedule every day to help your dog get the 16-18 hours of solid sleep it needs to be balanced in its head. ( https://lifestyledogtraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/NewPuppySchedule.pdf )
Dog Owner: I have heard that it is better to have my new puppy sleep with me to bond with me?
My Response: What you begin, you will always do with your puppy. Remember you are always training. Sometimes what you are training is good and sometimes what you are training is bad. Having your puppy sleep with you in your bed will rob you and your puppy of much needed sleep to be truly functional during the day. Your puppy needs its own place to sleep. While you both may be bonding when neither of you is sleeping you will also be setting the stage for a dysfunctional relationship with your dog.
Dog Owner: I love my dog and don’t want him/her to think I don’t by putting him/her in a cage.
My Response: This is actually crediting your dog with far more emotional development than they actually are capable of. Your dog will not mature beyond a 3 year old child in its lifetime. Think of a toddler. Parents put toddlers in their own beds as they continue to coach them toward adulthood. You have the same responsibility with your baby puppy. You are responsible for coaching and training that young dog into being a responsible member of your home as well as a respectful member of the community. Giving your dog its own place to sleep where it can be safe and get that much needed sleep it truly needs really screams love from you to your dog.
Dog Owner: You don’t understand. My dog has crazy exercise needs and runs around all day long. How will I ever get enough exercise for my puppy/dog when it is sleeping in the crate for 16-18 hours in a 24 hour period?
My Response: This is the most fun one for me. I have been involved with Brittanys for over 50 years and I understand energy in a dog! These are very athletic and energetic dogs. However, I also understand that they need structure and boundaries like all other dogs. You will find that when you put a regular schedule of nap time and awake time (walking, playing, training, and self-entertainment) into the dog’s day, their energy becomes more focused and your time with the dog becomes more intentional. Quickly you will find that the dog is actually calmer. It is my contention that a dog without structure in their day displays endless energy which is likely based more in nervous energy. As you put a schedule and structure into your dog’s day you will likely find that the dog becomes more calm and less chaotic.