Keys to Successful Dog Training #1

Keys to Successful Dog Training – #1

Happy puppy running on the beach!

I want to help you be the best dog trainer possible!  Why?  Because I am passionate about empowering humans with information and techniques that enable them to communicate with their dogs.  When this happens everyone lives their best life.  The best way to share training success is in small, applicable bits of information that I call keys.  If you read this series you will have all the keys you need to succeed.  And if you apply each key to your training style you will become an awesome partner with your dog, one that is in sync and able to handle every situation you and your dog will encounter. So today I am giving you the first key: Motivation.

Webster defines motivation as, “the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way”.  Motivation differs between humans and dogs. For dogs its simply comes down to affection, food and comfort.  Whereas people are motivated by the desire to change something.  Usually my clients are motivated by the desire to change their dog’s less than desirable behaviors (e.g. charging the door, pulling the leash, peeing in the house, etc.).  One of my clients told me she was motivated to train her dog because her children really wanted a pet, and she wanted a well-behaved pet.  That’s a great reason to want to do training.  Another client wanted to do training with her autistic son to help him gain confidence and strengthen his communication skills.  That’s another great motivation!  What is motivating you to make a change?

Carrot on a stick = motivation.
Carrot on a stick = motivation.

I am currently motivated to make a change in my life.  A recent visit to the doctor indicated a few concerns that have inspired me to find information and techniques that enable my body to get healthier.  It’s not easy, but one day at a time I am making small changes that are making a difference.  For instance I have changed the type of food I eat, when I eat, the type of exercise I do and my attitude towards food.  Why?  Well, I want to improve my odds of living a longer, healthier life.  I have had to release experiences and knowledge that were not working for me and embrace new ways of thinking and doing life.  Making changes is a challenge for me, but I am motivated to press on.  What I love about my experience so far is how relatable it is to my client’s training experience.  I understand their challenges (e.g. time, family, health) and sympathize with them.  At the same time, I understand their pain/frustration and need to make a change.  Once I have a clear understanding of what my clients’ goals are we get started making them come true.  And once the dog starts to respond in a positive way it motivates the owner to carry on and continue to gain knowledge and understanding so that he/she can communicate what needs to happen.


Dog and human doing shake.
Dog and human doing “shake”.

In author Gary Chapman’s book, The 5 Love Languages, he talks about the five ways we can show others they are valued and loved.  The five love languages are acts of service, gifts, words of affirmation, touch and quality time.  What speaks love to your dog?  Is it a special treat, you taking time to be with him, petting/cuddling him and/or words of affirmation?  Simply try each of the languages and  see which one your dog responds to most.  Keep that up and it’s a win win!  Most of my dogs respond to quality time and treats, but I did have one who was a bit shy and preferred cuddling with me.  Those moments were so special because I took time to just be with her and we created an incredible bond.

Motivation - love and companionship.
Motivation – love and companionship.

The last thing I want you to think about is the rewards you get when you stay the course in training your dog.  Here are just a few:

  • An enjoyable walk with your dog
  • Compliments from neighbors, friends and family
  • A positive atmosphere in your home
  • A happy dog
  • Unconditional love

Are you motivated?  I hope so!  Now that you have the Motivation key in hand you are ready for your next key: Intuition.

Happy Training,
